Airbridge Handbook 02: Deeplinks

Mastering Deep Linking: A Must-Have for High-Impact App Marketing

Deep linking is a fundamental element of effective app marketing campaigns. It seamlessly directs users who click on an ad to a specific in-app page, eliminating friction and ensuring a smooth user experience. By leveraging deep links, marketers can enhance the onboarding journey from the very first interaction, ultimately driving higher conversion rates.

However, deep linking is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Its implementation varies based on different scenarios, and the technical setup can be complex. Consider cases where a user’s device does not have the app installed or when personalized campaigns require directing different users to distinct app pages—each scenario demands a tailored approach.

This Airbridge Deep Linking Handbook is designed as an easy-to-follow guide, providing a comprehensive understanding of deep linking’s background, significance, types based on user experience, various implementation methods, and best practices for utilizing third-party solutions. Dive into this handbook to gain expert insights into deep linking and maximize the effectiveness of your app marketing efforts.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The evolving mobile app landscape and why deep linking has become indispensable
  • Different types of deep links and their implementation based on user experience
  • How to create deep links manually or integrate third-party solutions for optimal results

 The Airbridge Handbook Series is crafted to introduce essential Martech concepts and empower marketers with actionable insights. Stay ahead of industry trends as we continue to explore key Martech terminologies and strategies in our upcoming editions.

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