Airbridge Handbook 03: ASO

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of optimizing the components of an app introduction page, including the app title, description icon, and more, to maximize an app’s exposure to users in the app store. ASO allows marketers to expose their apps to users who are more likely to engage with them.

ASO is absolutely crucial for better exposure of our app in the app store. With the recently enhanced privacy policies, it also plays a pivotal role in advertising campaigns to serve as a lifeline strategy. ASO can contribute to reducing the overall Cost per Install (CPI) by encouraging organic app installs. Additionally, it is the final destination that can persuade users when they arrive at the app store to install. You should clearly convey the app’s value and messages to the users who visit the app store and captivate potential active users.

This handbook covers everything you need for effective ASO in a single volume. It delves into the fundamental elements, successful strategies, and detailed metrics required for ASO. Through this handbook, maximize your app marketing impact by harmonizing ASO with your ad campaigns.

What's inside: 

  • Discover what ASO is and why it is essential
  • Learn about the fundamental elements and strategies for ASO
  • Explore the factors to achieve ASO successfully

The Airbridge Handbook series is here to elevate your understanding of AdTech and MarTech. Use this as a trusted guide for your journey of implementing technology in planning, executing, and measuring campaigns, and ultimately becoming more proactive. Stay tuned for more and be ahead of the curve!

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