Airbridge DeepLink Plan:
The best Firebase dynamic link alternative

Keep your user journeys smooth and seamless—switch your deep linking to Airbridge before the deadline.

No-code migration in
3 simple steps.

1. Export
Export your Firebase dynamic links.
2. Upload
Bulk upload your old links to the migration sheet. Automatically convert them into Airbridge DeepLinks.
3. Go live
Integrate Airbridge DeepLinks into your marketing campaign.

No-code migration in
3 simple steps.

구글 파이어베이스 다이나믹 링크 추출하기
파이어베이스 테이크아웃 기능으로 기존 딥링크를 추출하세요.
에어브릿지 트래킹링크 파라미터 값으로 변환하기
에어브릿지 트래킹링크 파라미터로 변환하고 그 값을 변환하세요.
변환한 파라미터로 트래킹링크 생성하기
변환된 파라미터를 복사해서 트래킹링크 제너레이터에 붙여넣으면 트래킹링크가 생성돼요.

Smooth deep linking across all systems and platforms.

Universal compatibility across all systems and platforms—iOS, Android, web, and offline.

온/오프라인 어디서든
원하는 곳으로 보내주는 딥링킹.

온라인, 오프라인 마케팅 캠페인 모두에서 원하는 곳으로 보내주는 디퍼드 딥링크를 제공해요.

실시간으로 확인 가능한
딥링크 성과측정 제공.

오가닉 마케팅 성과 측정도 딥링크 플랜에서 가능해요.쉐어링크를 사용하면, 성과를 시트로 공유할 수 있어요.

QR코드 자동 생성과 원하는대로 만들 수 있는 링크 브랜딩.

1. QR코드 자동 생성
오프라인 마케팅 캠페인을 위한 필수품 QR코드 생성도 에어브릿지 딥링크 플랜에서 한 번에 처리하세요. 트래킹 링크를 생성할 때마다 자동으로 QR코드가 생성되어요.
2. 링크 브랜딩
링크를 공유할 때 우리 브랜드를 더 잘 보여 주세요. 썸네일과 타이들, 링크명까지 에어브릿지 딥링크 플랜에서 커스텀 할 수 있어요.

Seamless anywhere-to-app

Friction-free user journeys
Deliver users to specific in-app content with just one click, even if someone doesn’t have your app installed yet.
Connect offline to online
Generate unique QR codes for each link. Connect real-life touchpoints—stores, events, product packaging, billboards, TV ads, and more—to your app with trackable QR codes.
Custom branded links
Build brand trust with tracking links that are short, simple, and easy to share. Easily control how your links appear by customizing your domain, title, description, and thumbnail.
Easy link management
Have complete control over all your tracking links. Effortlessly create tracking links in bulk on Google Spreadsheets using our Tracking Link Generation API. Plus, organize, edit, and manage all in one place.

Get to know the DeepLink Plan

See how Airbridge DeepLinks deliver more than the rest.
Learn more →
No-code migration
Universal compatibility
Anywhere-to-app experiences

Deep linking and analytics
at the best value.

Essential deep linking and analytics with flexible, scalable pricing designed to grow with you.
Under 50K MAU
Just $199/month
Book a demo
사용할 수 있는 주요 기능
Up to 5,000 tracking links
Up to 5,000 QR codes
Custom branded links ✅
Unlimited click events ✅
Under 100K MAU
Just $299/month
Book a demo
사용할 수 있는 주요 기능
Up to 10,000 tracking links
Up to 10,000 QR codes
Custom branded links ✅
Unlimited click events ✅
Over 100K MAU
Custom pricing
Contact our sales team.
Book a demo
사용할 수 있는 주요 기능
Over 10,000 tracking links
Over 10,000 QR codes
Custom branded links ✅
Unlimited click events ✅
Link Management
Link Management
Under 50K MAU
Under 100K MAU
Over 100K MAU
Tracking links
10,000 ~
QR codes
10,000 ~
Custom branded links
Unlimited click events
Link Branding
Link Branding
Under 50K MAU
Under 100K MAU
Over 100K MAU
Custom branded domain
Auto-generated short links
Custom social share preview
Deep Linking
Deep Linking
Under 50K MAU
Under 100K MAU
Over 100K MAU
Unlimited click events
Unlimited QR scans
Deferred deep linking
Analytics & Reporting
Analytics & Reporting
Under 50K MAU
Under 100K MAU
Over 100K MAU
Real-time performance and trend reports
Real time performance and trend reports.
Sharelinks for saved reports
Rest API
Customer Success
Customer Success
Under 50K MAU
Under 100K MAU
Over 100K MAU
Self-serve user guide
Onboarding support
Available upon request
*Additional charges may apply.


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