2024 App Marketing: Exploring the trends from today to tomorrow

Economic uncertainties, increased competition from a daily influx of new apps, and evolving privacy regulations from Apple and Google are making it difficult for mobile advertisers to build successful marketing initiatives. Particularly, the strengthening privacy-centric trend in recent years is expected to continue in 2024, leading to ongoing changes in the advertising industry.

Despite these challenges, the app economy remains robust.  According to, the global mobile market reached an impressive value of $500 billion in 2023, with 67% coming from advertising and 33% from in-app purchases. 

Predicting future privacy trends and industry developments with certainty is challenging yet essential to enhancing ROI (Return on Investment). The key lies in accurately recognizing and rapidly adapting to changes. Explore this report to understand the latest mobile privacy updates, market shifts, and proposed solutions with Airbridge and Remerge.

What’s inside:

  • Sufficient IDs for effective in-app retargeting campaigns
  • How to respond to the privacy-first era with Remerge and Airbridge
  • Ensuring user data and measuring ad performance while protecting privacy
  • In-app retargeting campaigns to maximize in-app revenue

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